1143 Dryden Rd Ithaca, NY 14853 1-866-669-1786

Solar for my home in Syracuse, New York

Does solar work near Syracuse, New York?

Intelligent Green Solutions has been doing business in central and upstate New York since 2011. We know how winters can be in upstate, but don’t be discouraged by the snow – solar still makes sense in upstate New York. It makes sense in and around Syracuse. Read more about solar productivity in winter and snow.


STEP 1 – Your Utility Bills

To plan your solar system we need your current electricity bills. Optimally from a period of one year. So we can look: Does solar make financial sense to you? How big does your system have to be so that you don’t have to pay anything more to the electricity provider?
Because one thing is certain: Why should you pay the electricity company when you can just as well pay yourself.
We have here an example of an electricity bill from one of our customers in Oneonta. Here you can see how much it was before and how much it is now, with a solar system. Now only the connection costs have to be paid.

Old Bill

New Bill

old energy bill upstate new york oneonta without solar
new energy bill upstate new york oneonta with solar

Step 2 – Where will your solar panels go?

Depending on your site location, we have the options of mounting solar panels directly on the roof “roof mount” or on the ground. See the example below. For most residential applications we are able to locate arrays as far as 500ft from your home or business. Learn more about the advantages of a ground mount solar system.

Step 3 – The economics, how much will it cost and save?

As one would imagine, the solar system economics will vary from site to site depending on existing electric costs, rebates and how well the solar energy system is designed. Our technical team has been working in the solar industry for over 20 years, with the aim of designing optimized systems for our customers.

And one thing unfortunately is for sure: Energy costs are rising in New York. One example are the rising costs for NYSEG curstomers – but that’s only one example. On average – year after year – you will pay more for electricity.

If I finance the system do I own it?

Yep! We offer solar specific financing programs from our lending partners which make going solar easy. If you prefer to work with your local bank or lender, not a problem! We’ve worked with lenders across the US.

This example would apply to a residential customer near Syracuse, NY with normal site conditions (not the best but not the worst), installing a solar energy system on their home. (this is one of our offices in Upstate NY).

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Thank you for requesting a solar quotation. Our team will carefully review your information to provide a personalized solar solution tailored to your energy needs. We aim to respond promptly with a detailed quote that outlines potential savings and the benefits of transitioning to solar energy. If you have any additional questions or specific requirements, feel free to reach out to us directly.


Other Frequently Asked Questions on Solar

Can I go solar with no money down?

Yes! IGS provides easy to understand financing which allows you to OWN your own solar system for no money down. When we come out to review your site our local renewable energy specialists will check to see if your home qualifies (takes 5-10 minutes).

Do solar panels work in the winter time?

Yes – check out of facebook posts with local installation projects working year-round.

Can I produce all the power my home will need?

Yes – we can design a solar system to produce 100% of your annual electrical consumption. In most cases we design your system to produce 110% of your power.

How do I receive a 25% state tax credit for my solar system in New York?

When you file your taxes we will share with you the state tax form to claim your solar tax credit (most HR block type services will walk you through these forms).

How do I receive a 26% federal tax credit for my solar system?

The IRS provides an easily to fill out form where you can claim the money you’ve spent on your solar electric system. Again – most online accounting software will walk you through this step (if you are not using a CPA). Need help? Just give us a call!

Will my property taxes go up with solar on my home?

Depending on the state – most solar electric systems are property tax exempt. Not sure? Just give us a call.

How much are my utility energy prices going up?

Google your local utility companies “energy rate increase xxx”, you’ll find most energy companies are increasing their supply and delivery rates.

See local news article from pressconnects.com

Lara Biekowski Marketing Communications Solar Renewable Expert
Hi! I'm Lara and part of the IGS team. Let me know if you have any questions regarding your solar system - I am here to help.

Welcome to Syracuse, New York

About Syracuse

Syracuse, New York is located in Onondaga County and sits at the mouth of Onondaga Lake. Syracuse is known as the “crossroads of New York State” due to the fact that two major highways (Interstate 90 and Interstate 81) intersect there. Syracuse is the 5th largest city in New York state and is home to personalities such as David Muir, host of ABC World News Tonight, the voice of SpongeBob Squarepants, Tom Kenny, and longtime NHL goalie Jimmy Howard.

Syracuse University is one of the largest universities in New York state with over 20,000 students enrolled.

Interested in going solar? 

We are a local business and believe in supporting our local community. IGS provides a way of giving back to your local non profit when you sign up to go solar with IGS.

List of local non-profits

Interested in having us donate to a local non profit not on our list? Just shoot us a message and we will make it happen.

Solar Farm Boom In Syracuse

According to Rick Moriarty of Syracuse.com,  Syracuse which is one of the cloudier cities in the United States is seeing multiple solar farm projects being proposed across Onondaga County. Moriarty references 4 solar farm proposals, all of them being multi-million dollar projects.

The growth of solar provides jobs to local economies while reducing the number of carbon emissions the area produces.

Solar farms are large installations of photovoltaic panels (PV) concentrated in a single area.

Did you know…

…that the first traffic light was from Syracuse? It was installed in Texas in 1921.
…that there were more than 50 breweries in and around Syracuse at a time?
…that a Syracuse resident filed a patent for an improved dentist’s chair in the first half of the 19th century?

Solar FAQ

More questions about solar? Scroll down to our Solar FAQ!