1143 Dryden Rd Ithaca, NY 14853 1-866-669-1786

IGS Service Request and Help

Select your system type below

If you have questions about your system, it is not working properly or you have an upcoming service visit, please fill out the form prepared specially for your system. We are happy to help!

Solar Electric Systems

Solar Electric Systems

Click this button to find troubleshooting and assessment form for Solar PV systems. They are made of silicon cells that are producing your own energy!

Solar Hot Water System (Domestic Hot Water)

Flat Plate Case Assessment

Click this button to fill out the form for Flat Plate systems.

They are made of flat solar collectors that are gathering heat emitted by the sun.

Solar Hot Water System - Annual Service Visit

SHW System - Annual Service Pre-Visit Assessment

Click this button to fill out the Pre-Visit Assesment form for SHW systems.

Poultry Farm Space Heating

Poultry Farm SH Case Assessment

Click this button to fill out the form for Poultry Farm Space Heating systems.

They are made of flat solar collectors that are gathering heat emitted by the sun which is used to heat farm spaces.

VTS System

VTS Case Assessment

Click this button to fill out the form for VTS systems.

They are made of vacuum tube solar collectors that are gathering heat emitted by the sun.


What happens if I unplug my solar system?

Your thermal system may overheat due to no circulation. Overheat can permanently damage your system.

For solar electric systems you will not produce any electric power.

Can I have someone else repair my solar system?

Please provide the contact information for the certified installer who will repair your system prior to commencing work.

Is the glycol in my solar system dangerous?

IGS uses all FDA food grade glycol in it’s solar systems.

I redoing my roof, can you remove my solar panels and then re-install?

Yep! We are happy to provide a removal and replacement service. Please contact us for a proposal and cost estimate.