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The Environmental Benefits of Energy-Efficiency

The Environmental Benefits of Energy-Efficiency

Energy-efficiency contains many environmental benefits that can help us address some of the most critical environmental issues. Environmental sustainability is gaining traction with individuals actively seeking solutions against the growing stack of environmental problems. Here you can understand how moving towards more energy-efficient technologies can help you positively contribute to the environment!

interesting facts

What is Energy-Efficiency?

Energy-efficiency is the practice of lowering energy consumption by using less energy to obtain the same quantity of output. Commercial buildings, industrial facilities, and households often use more energy than is needed.

Environmental awareness is extremely important. This is because environmental problems appear as external costs that are not normally reflected in the price that consumers pay for. The electricity sector is responsible for around 25% of human-caused greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions per year. Adopting energy-efficient practices and using renewable sources of energy can positively affect the future of our planet. The most important environmental benefits of using energy-efficient appliances are that they mitigate:

  1. Air Pollution
  2. Water Pollution
  3. Natural Resource Depletion

Air Pollution and Climate Change

The first environmental benefit of energy-efficiency is that it plays a vital role in reducing air pollution. The combustion of fossil fuels releases air pollutants such as sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and GHG into the air. Not only do these pollutants contribute towards climate change, but the release of these particular fuels exacerbates public health problems and damages the earth’s ecosystems. Energy-related GHG emissions increased by 1.4% in 2017 which was the first increase since 2014. Energy-efficiency has simultaneously curbed the recent growth in emissions by 12%. Models predict that there will be an annual 12% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions if energy-efficient measures are implemented worldwide. This will also help deliver over 40% of the abatement promises within the Paris Agreement.

Water Pollution and Aquatic Eco-systems

One of the most preeminent threats at stake for the survival of all living species is water insecurity. A case study on the environmental benefits of energy-efficiency in the Saudi Arabian electric sector demonstrated the negative effects of fuel combustion and electricity generation on aquatic eco-systems. Power plants in Saudi Arabia directly impact marine life due to their water intake systems and toxic chemical discharges. Energy-efficiency can be an instrument for environmental protection as it significantly minimizes the high risk of chemical discharges into local water supplies. Reducing the risk of water contamination has a global scale impact on the quality of our water.


Natural Resource Depletion

The final environmental benefit of energy-efficiency is that it reduces the risk of resource depletion. Electric power facilities have a vast impact on land use due to their fuel extraction, transport, processing, and operating. Because energy-efficiency allows people to use less energy to perform the same task, finite natural resources are more likely to be protected. Smaller energy demand also lowers the demand for fossil fuels. From an environmental standpoint, the conservation of scarce resources helps halt the disruption of our ecosystems. In addition, protecting natural resources minimizes the likelihood of social and economic instability.

Intelligent Green Solutions provides energy-efficient consulting to residential and commercial customers. To learn more about the process of transitioning to more energy-efficient technologies, contact us through our website.