1143 Dryden Rd Ithaca, NY 14853 1.866.669.1786

DCMO BOCES visited IGS Solar Training Center

DCMO BOCES visited IGS Solar Training Center

Intelligent Green Solutions had the pleasure of hosting educators from Delaware-Chenango- Madison-Otsego BOCES. They spent the morning learning about solar energy, and how to prepare students for new careers that are becoming prevalent as we realize the need for renewable energy. The morning started out with a personal tour of our training and manufacturing facility in Bainbridge, NY by IGS’s CEO Adam Farrell. Followed by an information session with our sales representative Alex Hood. The morning concluded with a luncheon provided by Intelligent Green Solutions. “We truly enjoy partnering with local schools, and hope to have more events like this in the future.”, Adam summarizes. 

You are interested in visiting our facility and learn about solar? Let us know!