1143 Dryden Rd Ithaca, NY 14853 1-866-669-1786

Let's Go Solar

Solar Works in Delaware!

Learn how you can work with a local company that has helped home and business owners for over 20 years go solar. Want to talk with a real person, just give us a call or stop by our offices 9AM-5PM EST.

What to expect? 

We simple setup a time when its convenient to meet with our local representatives that walk you through the benefits of solar on your home. We are also happy to review your proposal remotely through a simple web conference.

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Thank you for requesting a solar quotation. Our team will carefully review your information to provide a personalized solar solution tailored to your energy needs. We aim to respond promptly with a detailed quote that outlines potential savings and the benefits of transitioning to solar energy. If you have any additional questions or specific requirements, feel free to reach out to us directly.


Other Frequently Asked Questions on Solar

Can I go solar with no money down?

Yes! IGS provides easy to understand financing which allows you to OWN your own solar system for no money down. When we come out to review your site our local renewable energy specialists will check to see if your home qualifies (takes 5-10 minutes).

Do solar panels work in the winter time?

Yes – check out of facebook posts with local installation projects working year-round.

Can I produce all the power my home will need?

Yes – we can design a solar system to produce 100% of your annual electrical consumption. In most cases we design your system to produce 110% of your power.

How do I receive a 26% federal tax credit for my solar system?

The IRS provides an easily to fill out form where you can claim the money you’ve spent on your solar electric system. Again – most online accounting software will walk you through this step (if you are not using a CPA). Need help? Just give us a call!

Will my property taxes go up with solar on my home?

Depending on the state – most solar electric systems are property tax exempt. Not sure? Just give us a call.

How much are my utility energy prices going up?

Google your local utility companies “energy rate increase xxx”, you’ll find most energy companies are increasing their supply and delivery rates.

See local news article from pressconnects.com

Old Bill without Solar

New Bill with Solar

Solar works for everyone